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Although we see more value in the ongoing nature of nutrition coaching service due to the adjustments, accountability and ongoing support being the key variables in success, we also offer one-off consultations and these can be very useful in certain situations. 

1-1 Initial Consultation 

An initial consultation takes up to one hour. You will be asked about medical history, recent blood results, medications/supplements you are taking, your current diet and physical activity levels. Based on this information you will be given a dietary advice that is individual and specific for you. You will receive a follow up email detailing goals or other relevant information.


Cost: €120

Review Consultation 

Review consultations are important for helping to build upon progress and make changes to the plan.These follow-up sessions provide the opportunity to provide further advice and adjust the plan based on changes in body composition, appetite, training, food preferences and more.

Cost: €55

You may be able to claim back some or all fees of consultations through private health insurance 

Make yourself your most valuable investment!

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